Foundations |
Invest CNY, Operated by CenterState

Invest CNY, operated by CenterState's mission is to unlock the economic potential of all Central New York's people and places by attracting public and philanthropic capital.
Originally incorporated in 1981 as the Metropolitan Development Foundation, Invest CNY is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has historically served as a vehicle to attract investment and implement projects of local and regional significance, including Vision 2010, a regional economic development plan foundational to CNY’s subsequent collaborative strategies, and the Creative Communities Initiative that led to the creation of the Greater Syracuse Land Bank.
Your gift to Invest CNY, operated by CenterState will help us coordinate and convene the partners necessary to attract investments that will build our community’s capacity to foster inclusive economic growth so that all people have the opportunity to benefit and prosper.
Current Priority Focus Areas
Fiscal Sponsorship
Invest CNY, operated by CenterState serves as fiscal sponsor for community-based projects with aligned missions, providing the capacity for grassroots leaders to attract funding to positively impact their communities. Current sponsored projects include: Food Access Healthy Neighborhoods Now!, Fulton Block Builders and Oswego Renaissance Association.
Attracting Investment
Invest CNY, operated by CenterState engages partners across Central New York to attract investments that restore, revitalize and enhance neighborhoods and communities. Invest CNY will work closely with stakeholders to ensure our region has the capacity to absorb current and future economic growth in an equitable and inclusive manner.
Redevelopment Projects
Historically, Invest CNY, operated by CenterState has helped attract investment and helped implement various redevelopment projects. While not actively pursuing these types of projects, Invest CNY remains open to serving a role where no other market solutions exist.