
Racial Equity & Social Impact

RESI logoThe Racial Equity and Social Impact (RESI) division works to ensure CenterState CEO’s internal processes and external programs reflect the organization’s value of inclusiveness. Led by Dr. Juhanna Rogers, this division leads CenterState CEO's race and equity work within the organization, community and beyond, including diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) services for staff and members. RESI is also focused on the development and advancement of organizational metrics and processes to ensure CenterState CEO’s DEI goals are being met.

As part of RESI's programmatic offerings, CenterState CEO offers a suite of fee-based DEI corporate training services to the business community. These DEI services include professional development trainings, dialogue sessions and organizational evaluations to enable c-suite leadership to develop policy to shift culture, help middle managers think about culturally component leadership and management styles, and encourage employees to think critically about what they know and have learned about race and racism.

Racial Equity & Social Impact Team

Eployee Lising

Racial Equity & Social Impact


Juhanna Rogers, Ph.D

Senior Vice President of Racial Equity and Social Impact


ParKer Bryant

Racial Equity and Social Impact Fellow

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