Member Recognition

CenterState CEO members are thriving businesses and organizations contributing to the economic vitality and vibrancy of the Central New York region, and we are excited to recognize their successes.


Member News & Milestones

CenterState CEO celebrates its members' milestones and member news by publishing them on social media and in the monthly newsletter.

Businesses celebrating milestone anniversaries, expansions, grand openings or other exciting events can host a CenterState Ambassador event. Members of CenterState's Ambassadors Committee visit businesses to deliver a certificate of recognition, and capture photos to share in each CEO newsletter and on social media to celebrate these accomplishments.

Business of the Year

The CenterState Business of the Year Awards, bestowed at the Annual Meeting event each spring, celebrate companies that have achieved growth, and gone above and beyond in the past year to distinguish themselves as leaders in the business community. Members are encouraged to nominate deserving companies, including their own.


Economic Champions

Each year, CenterState CEO recognizes local businesses as Economic Champions for their contributions to the economic growth of the region through capital expenditures, hiring of new employees, expansion or relocation due to growth, and for state or national recognition.

Businesses can be nominated as Economic Champions for their accomplishments by peers, employees and staff, or may nominate themselves. Whether they have added one employee or more, expanded operations at their present location or relocated, made capital expenditures for growth, or advanced commitments to DEI, these businesses have contributed to the economic development of the region.

All eligible nominated companies receive recognition at CenterState CEO's annual Economic Champions celebration in the fall.