The New York Land Bank Association, Inc. was established in 2015 to support land banks across the state. Land banks are focused on the return of vacant, abandoned, underutilized and tax-delinquent properties to productive use. Since the NY Land Bank Act was passed and the state's first land banks were established in 2012, these organizations have turned to one another to share ideas and strategies for how to best provide this important community service. The New York Land Bank Association also learns from land banks engaged in this work across the county, often through interactions facilitated by partners at the Center for Community Progress, which support governments and nonprofits engaged in fighting blight and property abandonment.

CenterState CEO partners with and supports the New York Land Bank Association to advance mutual interests in creating communities that thrive and help people prosper. By supporting and partnering with the NYLBA, CenterState CEO is helping communities address distressed properties and turn them back into productive use.

CenterState CEO Organizational Partners are independent organizations aligned in their mutual interest to support business growth and advance economic development in the Central New York region and beyond. CenterState CEO provides operational support services, co-location or others benefits, and collaboration on strategic priorities and opportunities.


Organizational Partners

Organizational Partners


NUAIR provides expertise in uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operations, research and integration.

Upstate Minority Economic Alliance

A nonprofit whose mission is to harness the economic power of the minority community for the benefit of the region.