Past Event | |
Sky Armory
351 South Clinton Street Syracuse, NY 13202 US 351 South Clinton Street |

The Good Morning Downtown Syracuse Progress Breakfast Series is returning to an in-person gathering! The Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. and Mower invite you to start your morning with us on Tuesday, April 19 in-person at SKY Armory (map), as we reconnect with Downtown Syracuse colleagues and friends to highlight Downtown's Re-Emergence. Help us celebrate the forward-thinking that has fueled momentum throughout our community.
As part of Downtown’s Re-Emergence, we will provide an overview of activities underway in Downtown Syracuse, and highlight how these statistics tie into culture, Downtown Syracuse as a destination, and the role that each of our cultural institutions play. Attendees will hear from four exciting presenters, and unique to this event, they will have the opportunity to network with speakers in a personal setting following the event.
Tickets are on sale now for $35 for an individual seat.
If you'd prefer to pay by check to attend the event, please call Kristine Sherlock at 315-422-8284.
First, Gregg Tripoli, executive director of the Onondaga Historical Association (OHA) will set the scene by walking attendees through examples of how Downtown Syracuse has a history of bringing people together, from a historic and social perspective.
Then, Natalie Stetson, executive director of the Erie Canal Museum, will discuss the ways that the Erie Canal Museum is modernizing programming and collaborating with other arts and cultural institutions in the community to introduce the Erie Canal to new audiences, as the Canal continues to celebrate its bicentennial anniversary.
Elizabeth Dunbar, executive director of the Everson Museum of Art, will introduce attendees to the significance of the Rosenfield Collection, and explain the connections between the collection and the museum’s new eatery, Café Louise, which will open this spring.
And, finally, Lauren Kochian, President of The MOST, will talk about the exciting renovations underway and planned for The MOST, including National Grid’s Exploradome, a new planetarium.
The Progress Breakfast event is known for providing exclusive previews of people, places, projects and overall items of interest that the community is buzzing about.
The 2022 Progress Breakfast Series is presented by the Downtown Committee and Mower. It receives corporate support from SWBR, and receives media support from the Central New York Business Journal. The breakfasts are held in the spring and fall each year.
If you require American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, please let us know by emailing KSherlock@DowntownSyracuse.com.
The Downtown Committee will follow the public health guidance provided by the New York State Department of Health at the time of the event.