Presentation Recap | Tech & Culture Speaker Series, featuring Anthony Frasier
The latest Tech & Culture Speaker Series featured Anthony Frasier, founder and CEO of ABF Creative. Anthony has more than a decade of experience in tech, media, speaking and coaching aspiring entrepreneurs and students from underserved groups In USA Today, Anthony was described as a “Translator” for his ability to relate to and inform communities that are largely excluded. He finds the common threads between lessons he learned in the hard streets of Newark, NJ to the innovative clusters of Silicon Valley. Anthony serves as the entrepreneur in residence of Newark Venture Partners, a fund backed by Audible/Amazon, and helps to attract innovative tech startups to Newark and incubate promising talent locally.
The author of the critically acclaimed “Don’t Dumb Down Your Greatness: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Thinking & Being Great”, Anthony’s motivational blueprint for young entrepreneurs of color has spread globally. His successes include AT&T, BET, Fast Company, TEDx, and The Congressional Black Caucus to name a few. Prior to Silicon Valley Anthony co-founded The Koalition, one of the first online video game publications for African Americans, and worked passionately as a journalist for several years. Anthony also serves on the board of directors for the NY Tech Alliance, focusing on making the greater New York City area more inclusive.
This event was part of Generation Next’s Tech and Culture Speaker Series, devoted to promoting diversity, inclusion, and belonging in tech related fields. The series highlights diverse speakers who are currently leading in the tech industry and allows them to share their personal stories, which will inspire, motivate and transform the mindset of the diverse audiences.
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