WBOC September Program: Doing the Covid Shuffle- What's Your Next Step?Posted on August 24, 2020 |
Please join us for our September Program Meeting, Doing the Covid Shuffle- What's Your Next Step?
Date: 9/9/2020
Time: 5 – 6:20 Program, 6:20 – 6:30 Wrap Up/Intros, 6:30 -7pm Small Breakout Room Networking & Connecting
Place: ZOOM
Presenter: Cindy Ormond, Ormond Entertainment
Ah Covid. Two syllables our ears would prefer to neverhear again, but back to reality we go…
Whether we’re running our businesses or taking care of our families, this has not been a simple one-time adjustment to a "new normal".
Instead, our understanding, regulations, & responses are evolving daily.
We're learning how to dance to the changing rhythm each day brings, and it can be exhausting.
No one can speak better to this than business owner Cindy Ormond, who’s trying to operate a DJ service during a time when large gatherings, dancing, & dance floors have been banned!
Yet remarkably, she's having the best year of her life!
How is that possible?
Cindy, owner of Ormond Entertainment, will share the inside scoop on how she’s managing, and provide questions to inspire our own conversations as we connect in smaller breakout groups.
Join us to take stock, take heart, and take that next step...whatever the choreography for your particular dance might need to be!
Access to this virtual program is included for members; we invite non-members to join us too! The fee for non-members is $20.